
Spring Soccer

Not sure what I was thinking when I signed up Bubba for spring soccer, since spring in Utah is neurotic (more a delayed-onset winter!). Two of the games have been cancelled/rescheduled due to rain/snow, others have been freezing cold. The last 2 have been in the 70's so that's good at least. I guess what can you expect when the season spans from end of March to start of April. Still, I think will stay with fall soccer next year! Bubba is a funny kid, this is his tiger stance. Their team decided to be the BYU Tigersaurs (way to include all the kid's creative name idea, LOL) so they are often found doing this stance at the start of the game. As you can imagine, Bubba does it more often than that. He is learning better coordination with kicking, he still has a lot to learn but it's good for him to interact with other kids and learn to be part of a team. Plus, you can't beat the treats at the end of the game. And we finally got him knee-length soccer socks to go over his shin guards so he looks super cute in his soccer uniform.