
Green Energy Idea: Power the World With Two-Year-Olds

Okay, so I am not sure exactly when I got old, but it has become evident to me recently that there are several people living in my house who are younger and more vigorous than I. Case in point: we woke up at about six thirty a few mornings ago to find Ian-- who had been awake for probably ten minutes, singing songs (his own music and lyrics, by the way) and playing around. His light was on and he didn't have a care in the world. I opened up the door to his room to tell him, "Hello!" and was greeted by this sight:
In case you can't tell, those are Thomas the Tank Engine stickers all over his face. I just don't have the enthusiasm that he does that early in the morning. Maybe all those years of trying to be a grown-up weren't such a good idea...


Angie said...

That's awesome!!! He is so cute and Chris, you're not as grown up as you think you are! Just kidding.

Laura said...

I have always said, the person who can figure out how to bottle the energy of a toddler would be a millionaire! Good thing it was stickers and not something like lip-stick or a permanent marker! Merry Christmas guys!

-Laura Ellis