
New Video

I was getting on to LDS.org this morning to read my scriptures and saw that there is a new website that the LDS Church has created to directly address Jesus Christ, our beliefs concerning him and his role as our Savior. In 2000, the First Presidency and the members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles each shared their testimonies of Christ in a video called Special Witnesses of Christ. This presentation first became available when I was a missionary in Japan, and I have seen it many times. I have appreciated the testimonies of these men-- all of whom I look up to as individuals who have accepted a responsibility to live and to teach about Christ and his gospel.

When the original was made, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf had not yet been called to the Quorum of the 12. This new website features his testimony as well as those of the surviving members of the Quorum of the 12 as it existed eight years ago. I was grateful to hear his testimony of Jesus Christ and to be reminded of the blessing it is that, though the members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles and First Presidency may change, their responsibility and commitment to bear testimony of Christ does not.

P.S. The new site also includes a new clip from Elder David A. Bednar.

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