
The Boys

We were cuddling in the chair watching Bob the Builder the other night. Ian and I were really enjoying it, though I am not sure that Cooper was quite as in to it. In fact, based on the expression on his face, I think I know what Cooper was doing at the time, and it is not something that I like having him do in my lap... Parenthood is some glamorous stuff!

It has really only been in the last few months that Ian has become more demonstrative about his affections. He was not a really cuddly baby, and it took him a while to catch on to hugs and kisses, but it seems like now he has a real need for affection- he will just put his arms around my neck and his head on my shoulder and hug me for as long as I will hold him sometimes. He has gotten more excited when I come home-- the only downside is that it breaks my heart when I have to go to school or work or Scouts and he asks me, "Daddy, you go bye-bye?" and then I tell him yes and he just looks up at me and says "No, stay home and play with me. Please, Daddy?"

At that point, I can never feel like there is any good reason for me to leave, but it seems like I always have to go anyway. I hate those days.

1 comment:

Angie said...

What a sweet boy, he obviously has your personality in him, being affectionate. That's awesome